
Showing posts with the label First Time Buyer

Solar Panel Insights: Common Issues Uncovered During Home Inspections in Florida

As a home inspection company in the heart of Florida, we have encountered a variety of solar panel-related issues during routine home inspections. Solar energy is a fantastic resource for homeowners in the Sunshine State, offering both environmental and financial benefits. However, like any technology, it’s not without its potential pitfalls. We wanted to touch base with you in this blog on some common problems our inspectors have found with solar panels: Improper Installation One of the most frequent issues we encounter is improper installation. This can include panels that are not securely attached to the roof, incorrect wiring, panels installed in locations that don’t receive optimal sunlight, or storm damaged panels. Improper installation can lead to reduced efficiency, potential roof damage, and even safety hazards.  Roof Damage Solar panels must be installed with care to avoid damage to your roof. Unfortunately, we've seen cases where the installation process has led to crack

New Construction Phases And Inspection Timing Insights

Building a new home in Florida, as in many places, is an intricate process that involves multiple phases, each with its own set of activities, inspections, and approvals. The timeline for each phase can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the builder’s efficiency, weather conditions, and local permitting processes. Here’s an overview of the typical phases of a new build home in Florida,  the expected timeline for each, and the approximate timing for your 3rd Party Inspection Company to complete their inspection for you. Make sure that you have written into your contract that you have access to at least a PreFoundation , PreDrywall , and Final Inspection for you new home. Call your 3rd Party Inspection Company so that they can send their credentials to your Builder for approval. PreConstruction Phase Approximate Amount of Time: 1-2 Months Activities During This Phase: This phase includes selecting and purchasing your lot, finalizing your home’s desig

New Home Construction: Types Of Inspections (Explained)

New Construction is hot right now. With supply chain pressures and manpower shortages errors are being made. Mistakes can and do happen and if caught early, are easier to correct. Building Codes have nothing to do with Build Quality. Your builder will have control of when these inspections can take place. Making sure to have access to them in a contract and scheduling them is important to protecting this investment and ensuring quality work takes place. A quality built home should be everyone’s goal. PrePour Foundation & Post Pour Foundation  These two inspections primarily look at plumbing, electrical, foundation support, and structural systems before and after the pouring of the main slab of the home. PreDrywall Focuses on framing, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems before drywall goes up and the walls are closed making it too late to catch errors. The images taken are also valuable should you decide to make changes or additions to your home in the future - allowing you to kn

New Build Inspections: Your PrePour/ PostPour, PreDrywall, And Final Inspections (Real Problems Found When Completing These Inspections)

In the world of New Home Construction, timing and sequence are everything. Each step, from laying the foundation to the final touches, plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and safety of the final structure. We have included images and examples of items we have found that were placed incorrectly or missing altogether at different phases of a New Build. If these items are caught prior to moving to the next phase, they are much easier to remedy and can make a difference in the life and quality of the home. PrePour / PostPour Foundation Inspection Findings Underground plumbing, electrical, and structural foundation supports, which would be covered by the main slab of the home, were laid out and facing the wrong direction. This was not part of the plans and would have caused the home to be built facing the home next to it. Water Pressure Test performed after concrete pour causing damage to the foundation Missing footing, Missing footing reinforcement, Missing vertical reinforcemen

New Home Construction: Crucial Role of Third-Party Inspections

Building a new home can be a daunting endeavor, marked by a multitude of decisions, processes, and diligence. Along this journey, third-party inspections are a cornerstone, playing an invaluable role in ensuring that the dream of a new home doesn’t turn into a nightmare of structural issues and unforeseen expenses. Here’s why having a third-party inspection is crucial for prospective homeowners embarking on the construction of a new home. Objective and Impartial Insight: Third-party inspectors provide an unbiased, thorough review of the construction, ensuring every component meets the established standards and building codes. They are independent entities, free from any conflicts of interest with builders and contractors, thereby offering transparency and a fair evaluation of the property’s condition. Risk Mitigation and Quality Assurance: Building a new home is a significant investment, and any subpar construction can lead to substantial costs and potential safety hazards in the futur