
Showing posts with the label Maintenance

Weekly Maintenance (Third Week of June)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Check outdoor lighting systems to ensure they are functioning properly Review insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for hurricanes, floods, and other potential damages Ensure that generators and other emergency equipment are operational and that you have enough fuel Check to make sure major appliances like refrigerators, ovens, and washers are working properly Repair any cracks or damage in driveways and walkways to prevent accidents Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Weekly Maintenance (Second Week of June)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Inspect for mold and mildew in areas with high humidity such as bathrooms and kitchens. Check your fencing, decking, and other outdoor structures for stability and repair as needed. Inspect your garage door and its safety features. Secure heavy items to prevent them from falling or shifting during a storm. Check your water heater for corrosion and leaks Inspect your septic systems for signs of blockage or failure. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Weekly Maintenance (First Week of June)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Inspect your window and door seals for leaks and repair if necessary. Ensure that all windows and doors are sealing properly to maintain energy efficiency. Check pool barriers, gates, and alarms to ensure they are functioning properly. Maintain proper chemical balance in pools to prevent algae growth and ensure swimmer safety. Inspect pipes, faucets, and appliances for leaks. Check the operation of the sump pump, if applicable. Review electrical systems for any potential issues and address them immediately, particularly focusing on surge protection. Text all Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries if needed. Ensure fire extinguishers are easily accessible and in good working condition. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Weekly Maintenance (Fourth Week of May)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Check your HVAC System and clean or replace you filter to make sure the system is functioning efficiently. Schedule a professional maintenance check if you have not done this recently. Prepare for Hurricane and Damaging Storms:  Secure or store furniture  Review and practice evacuation plans and  Ensure emergency supply kits are stocked and ready  Reinforce doors, windows, and roof to protect against high winds and flying debris Check for loose shingles or tiles on your roof, and repair any damaged areas to prevent leaks during heavy rains. Trim trees and remove dead branches that might fall during a storm. Check the health of trees near the house and remove any that show signs of disease or instability. Inspect for signs of termites, ants, roaches, and rodents, and apply pest control measures as needed. Ensure there is no standing water around the house to prevent mosquito breeding. Have

Weekly Maintenance (Third Week of May)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Check your garage door’s balance and auto-reverse features. Organize and secure heavy items to prevent accidents during potential storms Check your attic insulation and ventilation. Look for signs of roof leaks, pests, or mold Inspect the driveway and walkway for cracks or unevenness and repair as necessary to prevent tripping hazards Ensure that outdoor lighting is functioning properly, focusing on safety. Check other outdoor items such as: Pool Equipment Pool Pump Tile Gout Surrounding Pool Surface Pool Drain Chipped Coping Gate Self-Closing and Latch Pool Covering Garden Stakes Hurricane Preparedness and Hurricane related items such as exterior of home, caulk, gutters, and soffits Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Weekly Maintenance (Second Week of May)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Take a look at your Electrical System: Inspect wiring, outlets, and breaker boxes for any signs of issues. Consider having a professional electrician review your home’s electrical system, especially if it is older or has had previous issues. Inspect your water heater for signs of leaks or corrosion. Take this time to flush your tank water heater to remove sediment. Bathrooms are prone to mold and mildew due to our higher humidity. Look for signs of mold or mildew and clean them. Not is the time to take a look at your fences, decks, and patios for stability and signs of decay, repairing or reinforcing as necessary before the summer months. Review and update your insurance policies, particularly focusing on flood and hurricane coverage. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Weekly Maintenance (First Week of May)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Inspect for signs of termites, ants, or other pests, focusing on the foundation, attic, and other vulnerable areas. Schedule pest control services if needed. Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage during heavy rains. Inspect for damage and secure any loose sections of guttering. Regularly clean and maintain swimming pools, checking chemical balance and equipment functionality. Inspect pool barriers and safety measures. Check faucets, toilets, and pipes for leaks or malfunctions. Inspect hoses to washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators for wear and replace if necessary. Inspect seals around windows and doors for leaks and apply caulk or weather stripping where needed. Check the condition of window screens and repair if needed. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries if needed. Review fire escape plans and ensure all family member are familia

Weekly Maintenance (Fifth Week of April)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Hurricane Preparedness: Create or review hurricane preparedness plans, including evacuation routes and emergency supplies. Roof Inspection: Clear debris from the roof to avoid potential water accumulation. Landscaping and Lawn Care: Inspect and adjust sprinkler systems to ensure optimal coverage and water efficiency. Exterior Inspections: Inspect the foundation for any signs of cracks or movement. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Weekly Maintenance (Fourth Week of April)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Take a detailed look or have a professional come in to take a detailed look at your air conditioning units and systems to get them ready for optimal functioning during hotter months Hurricane Preparedness: Inspect and reinforce your windows, doors, and garage doors. Check the condition of hurricane shutters or other protective measures. Roof Inspection: Inspect the roof for any damage, wear, or potential leaks, especially focusing on loose shingles or tiles. Landscaping and Lawn Care: Trim trees and shrubs, especially those close to the house, to prevent damage during storms. Exterior Inspections: Check the exterior paint and siding for damage, cracks, and wear. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

Solar Panel Insights: Common Issues Uncovered During Home Inspections in Florida

As a home inspection company in the heart of Florida, we have encountered a variety of solar panel-related issues during routine home inspections. Solar energy is a fantastic resource for homeowners in the Sunshine State, offering both environmental and financial benefits. However, like any technology, it’s not without its potential pitfalls. We wanted to touch base with you in this blog on some common problems our inspectors have found with solar panels: Improper Installation One of the most frequent issues we encounter is improper installation. This can include panels that are not securely attached to the roof, incorrect wiring, panels installed in locations that don’t receive optimal sunlight, or storm damaged panels. Improper installation can lead to reduced efficiency, potential roof damage, and even safety hazards.  Roof Damage Solar panels must be installed with care to avoid damage to your roof. Unfortunately, we've seen cases where the installation process has led to crack

Weekly Maintenance (Third Week of April)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Insurance Policy Review: As hurricane season approaches, review home insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage. Interior Leak Inspections: Inspect under sinks, around tubs, and around appliances for any signs of leaks. Appliance Inspection: Verify all household appliances are functioning correctly, focusing on cooling appliances like refrigerators and freezers. Septic System Inspection: If applicable, inspect the septic system for signs of blockage or failure. Garage Inspection: Inspect the garage door, door opener, and other components for proper functioning and safety. Outdoor Lighting Inspection: Test outdoor lighting fixtures and replace any burnt-out bulbs with energy-efficient ones. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

The Hidden Costs of Overlooking Roof Membrane Damage

Welcome back to our blog, where we will share insights to help you navigate the complexities of home ownership in our beautiful state of Florida. Today, we are sharing a story from a recent inspection that underscores the importance of thorough inspections, particularly when it comes to tile roofs and their underlying waterproof membranes. Dream Home Turned Nightmare John, a recent Florida transplant, fell in love with a charming home with a tile roof that appeared to be meticulously maintained. The allure of this home, combined with the roof’s aesthetic appeal, made the decision to purchase easy. He thought that since he was paying cash, it would simplify the process, making the whole transaction easier on himself and he would shop insurance for the home after he moved in. His dream, however, quickly soured after he moved in and discovered that the waterproof membrane, beneath the tiles on the roof of his new home, was significantly damaged and that those loose and damaged tiles, he a