
Weekly Maintenance (Third Week of April)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Insurance Policy Review: As hurricane season approaches, review home insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage. Interior Leak Inspections: Inspect under sinks, around tubs, and around appliances for any signs of leaks. Appliance Inspection: Verify all household appliances are functioning correctly, focusing on cooling appliances like refrigerators and freezers. Septic System Inspection: If applicable, inspect the septic system for signs of blockage or failure. Garage Inspection: Inspect the garage door, door opener, and other components for proper functioning and safety. Outdoor Lighting Inspection: Test outdoor lighting fixtures and replace any burnt-out bulbs with energy-efficient ones. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

The Hidden Costs of Overlooking Roof Membrane Damage

Welcome back to our blog, where we will share insights to help you navigate the complexities of home ownership in our beautiful state of Florida. Today, we are sharing a story from a recent inspection that underscores the importance of thorough inspections, particularly when it comes to tile roofs and their underlying waterproof membranes. Dream Home Turned Nightmare John, a recent Florida transplant, fell in love with a charming home with a tile roof that appeared to be meticulously maintained. The allure of this home, combined with the roof’s aesthetic appeal, made the decision to purchase easy. He thought that since he was paying cash, it would simplify the process, making the whole transaction easier on himself and he would shop insurance for the home after he moved in. His dream, however, quickly soured after he moved in and discovered that the waterproof membrane, beneath the tiles on the roof of his new home, was significantly damaged and that those loose and damaged tiles, he a

Securing Your Sanctuary (The Importance of Waterproof Membranes Under Tile Roofs in Florida)

We understand the challenges and beauty of living in our wonderful state. Among the important features of many Florida homes are the stunning tile roofs that not only enhance aesthetic appeal, but also offer durability against our often harsh weather conditions. However, there is a critical component beneath those tiles that plays an indispensable role in protecting your home: the waterproof membrane. This week we will go into why a tile roof without a waterproof barrier can be a deal-breaker for insurance companies and how you can ensure your home remains both insurable and protected. The Role of Water Membranes Underneath the beautiful array of tiles on your roof lies this crucial layer of defense against water intrusion. It is designed to: Prevent Water Damage: It acts as a secondary line of defense against rain, especially during our heavy summer downpours and hurricane season. Enhance Durability: By preventing water from reaching the roof structure, it helps avoid rot and struct

Weekly Maintenance (Second Week of April)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Now is the time to take a look at your home, especially bathrooms, and kitchens, for mold and mildew due to our high humidity. Examine your fencing, sheds, and other outdoor structures for stability and signs of wear or damage. Review your electrical systems for any safety concerns or maintenance needs, paying particular attention to outdoor outlets and lighting. Assess your driveways and walkways for cracks or damage and repair as necessary. Check your sprinkler system for proper coverage and adjust heads as necessary to prevent over-spray on the home’s walls or windows. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Closer Look Inspections Team

Navigating Insurance: The Termite Clause in Home Construction

In the intricate world of real estate, understanding the nuances that influence home insurance premiums is paramount. Today, we're zoning in on a specific factor that significantly impacts insurance costs: termite risk in different types of home construction. The spotlight is on comparing single-story block homes with two-story homes that feature block on the first story and a wood frame on the second. Single Story Block Homes: A Bastion Against Termites Single-story homes constructed entirely with block (concrete, cinder, or similar materials) are virtually impervious to termites. Termites primarily feed on cellulose material, which is found in abundance in wood but not in block construction. This innate resistance to termites makes single-story block homes less of a risk from an insurance perspective. Insurers often view these homes as lower-risk properties since the likelihood of termite-related damage, and thus termite-related claims, is significantly reduced. Consequently, the

Understanding Insurance Premiums: Single Story Block Homes vs. Two-Story Homes with Mixed Materials

When it comes to insuring homes, realtors and homeowners alike may wonder how the structure and materials of a home can affect insurance premiums. Today, we're diving into an important distinction: the difference in insurance costs between a single-story block home and a two-story home with block on the first story and wood frame on the second story. Single Story Block Homes: A Fortress of Security Single-story homes built entirely with block (concrete masonry units) are often lauded for their strength and durability. Block construction is highly resistant to fire, termites, and extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. These characteristics make block homes less risky to insure. Insurers may offer lower premiums for these homes due to the reduced likelihood of structural damage and the subsequent claims that may arise from such damage. Additionally, single-story homes generally have a simpler design, which can further reduce the risk of issues like roof damage o

Home Maintenance (First Week of April)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: April is often the start of termite swarming season here in Florida, so inspect for signs of termites and other pests. Inspect your pipes and water heater for leaks and rust. Drain/ Flush the water heater to remove sediment. Ensure pools are clean and properly balanced. Inspect pool equipment for proper functioning. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries as needed. Inspect fire extinguishers to ensure they are operational and well-placed. Confirm that your attic insulation is sufficient and in good condition. Check attics for signs of pests, leaks, or mold and resolve any issues you may find. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Closer Look Inspections Team