
The Importance Of Knowing Your Evacuation Plan And Zone Before A Hurricane

We, as homeowners in a hurricane-prone area, know that one of the most critical steps you can take to ensure your safety and minimize chaos during a hurricane is to be well-prepared with a clear evacuation plan and knowledge of your evacuation zone. We understand and have given information below on why this preparation is not just recommended, but essential. Why Know Your Evacuation Zone? Timely Response : Knowing your evacuation zone helps you respond quickly when local authorities issue evacuation orders based on these zones. Each zone is defined based on its risk for flooding and impact from hurricane surges, and not knowing your zone can delay your decision-making process, putting you and your family at greater risk. Tailored Preparations : Different zones may have different levels of risk and therefore may require different levels of preparation. By knowing your specific evacuation zone, you can tailor your preparations effectively, ensuring that you're not under-preparing or

Essential Hurricane Preparedness Tips

As hurricane season looms, it's imperative for homeowners to take proactive steps to safeguard their homes and families. At our inspection company, we understand the gravity of these storms and the disruption they can cause. This guide is designed to help you meticulously prepare for a hurricane, from strengthening your home to ensuring you have a robust emergency plan in place. Create a Detailed Emergency Plan What to Include : Your emergency plan should cover communication strategies among family members, meeting points if separated, and specific steps to follow if you need to evacuate quickly. Include contact information for emergency services, and familiarize everyone in the household with the plan. Practice Drills : Regularly practice your emergency plan to ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go, especially if time is critical. Know Your Evacuation Zone Evacuation Details : It's crucial to know if your home is in a hurricane evacuation zone. This information can

Weekly Maintenance (Second Week of May)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Take a look at your Electrical System: Inspect wiring, outlets, and breaker boxes for any signs of issues. Consider having a professional electrician review your home’s electrical system, especially if it is older or has had previous issues. Inspect your water heater for signs of leaks or corrosion. Take this time to flush your tank water heater to remove sediment. Bathrooms are prone to mold and mildew due to our higher humidity. Look for signs of mold or mildew and clean them. Not is the time to take a look at your fences, decks, and patios for stability and signs of decay, repairing or reinforcing as necessary before the summer months. Review and update your insurance policies, particularly focusing on flood and hurricane coverage. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Your Closer Look Inspections Team

The Benefits of Early Hurricane Preparation for Homeowners

As hurricane season approaches, we often face the daunting reality of potential severe weather. The importance of early preparation not only for your peace of mind but also for the tangible benefits it brings cannot be over emphasized. Preparing your home for a hurricane well before a storm hits is crucial for several reasons Enhanced Safety Primary Benefit : The foremost benefit of early hurricane preparation is increased safety for you and your family. Securing your property and making plans in advance can prevent last-minute rushes, which often lead to accidents or oversights. Early preparation allows you to evacuate if necessary, without the panic and stress that comes from unpreparedness. Prevent Costly Damages Financial Savings : By taking steps to secure your home, such as reinforcing windows, doors, and roofs, you can significantly reduce the potential for damage. This prevention translates into saving potentially thousands of dollars in repairs after the storm. Simple actions

Hurricane Home Preparation (Let's Get Ahead And Make Sure Your Home Is Ready)

As hurricane season approaches, it is critical to ensure that not only your home but also its surroundings, including vehicles, are prepared for potential severe weather. We have compiled a detailed checklist based on industry best practices to help you secure your property and maintain safety during a hurricane. Vehicles Keep Gas Tanks Full : In anticipation of evacuation orders, keep your car's gas tank full. This ensures you can leave quickly without needing to queue at gas stations, which might experience shortages or be inoperable during power outages. Secure Your Vehicle In The Garage : If you have a garage, park your car inside to protect it from flying debris. If you do not have a garage, look for a secure location away from trees and other potential hazards. Protect Windows and Glass Doors Install Storm Shutters : The best way to protect windows and sliding doors is by installing storm shutters. If shutters are not available, board up windows with 5/8-inch marine plywood,

Weekly Maintenance (First Week of May)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Inspect for signs of termites, ants, or other pests, focusing on the foundation, attic, and other vulnerable areas. Schedule pest control services if needed. Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage during heavy rains. Inspect for damage and secure any loose sections of guttering. Regularly clean and maintain swimming pools, checking chemical balance and equipment functionality. Inspect pool barriers and safety measures. Check faucets, toilets, and pipes for leaks or malfunctions. Inspect hoses to washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators for wear and replace if necessary. Inspect seals around windows and doors for leaks and apply caulk or weather stripping where needed. Check the condition of window screens and repair if needed. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries if needed. Review fire escape plans and ensure all family member are familia

Understanding Air Quality Testing And The Effects Of Mold In Florida

We often encounter questions and concerns about indoor air quality and the presence of mold in homes and commercial properties. Understanding what air quality testing is, what mold spores are, and the potential health effects of mold exposure is important for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. In this blog post, we will provide you with the knowledge you need to help you make informed decisions about the health and safety of those you love. What is Air Quality Testing? Air quality testing is a process used to measure the levels of pollutants and allergens in indoor environments. This includes a wide range of substances and particulate matter. In Florida, where humidity levels are high for much of the year, air quality testing is particularly pretty crucial as it also helps identify the presence of mold spores in the air, which can proliferate under moist conditions. What is a Mold Spore? A mold spore is a tiny, microscopic structure that functions as the reproductive unit of f