
Showing posts from 2023

Home Maintenance (For The Fourth Week Of December)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Check and restock emergency kits with essential supplies, including water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and batteries Check and clean air ducts, and consider using air purifiers to improve indoor air quality during the winter months when homes are sealed off from outside air. Keep cooking areas clear of combustibles and never leave cooking unattended. If applicable, have the septic system inspected and pumped if needed to prevent backups and overflows. End of the year by reviewing homeowners’ insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Closer Look Inspections Team

Keep An Eye On These Things As You Enjoy Hosting Family And Friends [Reminders]

Home inspectors in Florida often encounter specific issues in homes just after Christmas Day. These problems can range from wear and tear due to the holiday season to issues exacerbated by Florida's unique climate. Here are some common problems found just after Christmas. Keep An Eye Out For These Things: Electrical system: Problems such as outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, or faulty outlets due to increased usage. Roof Damage & Clogged Gutters: Outside Christmas decorations, combined with potential winter storms, can lead to these problems.. Plumbing: Increased activity and usage during holiday gatherings can exacerbate existing plumbing issues, like slow drains, leaking pipes, or issues with the water heater. Structural and Exterior Wear: High traffic and activities during the holidays can reveal or worsen structural issues like cracks in the foundation, damaged siding, or issues with decks and patios. Mold and Mildew Growth: Florida's humid climate can encourage

Keep Your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Safe (Checklist)

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are a wonderful time of joy and lots of gatherings, with Florida homes lit up and filled with the holiday spirit. However, amidst the excitement, it's important to keep your home safe so that you can enjoy being together. We have gathered a good checklist of safety items to ensure your Christmas is safe and festive. Consider these items: 1. Electrical Safety Do: Use timers for Christmas lights to avoid overheating and potential fire hazards. Don't: Leave Christmas lights on all night. It's better to turn them off before going to bed or when leaving the house. 2. Fire Safety Do: Keep a close eye on the kitchen when cooking your Christmas feast. Most home fires start in the kitchen. Don't: Forget to check your smoke alarms to ensure they are working properly. 3. Tree Safety Do: Ensure your Christmas tree is stable and secure, especially if you have pets or small children. Don't: Place your Christmas tree near fireplaces, candles,

Home Maintenance (For The Third Week of December)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Inspect all the seals around your windows and doors for drafts and apply weatherstripping or caulk. Consider having an energy audit of your home to identify areas for improving energy efficiency, which can help reduce your utility bills. Take a look at your garage. Organize and declutter the it to make room for your vehicles. We have had some really bad hail storms and other storms with wind blown objects. Your car needs protection from the elements. Continue your regular pool maintenance. Now that temperatures are a little cooler and we may not use our pool quite as often, make any adjustments for these temperatures and reduced usage. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Closer Look Inspections Team

Gutter and Soffit Choices for High Wind Areas

Today, let’s talk about choosing the right gutters and soffits for areas that experience high winds. After all, every part of our home deserves attention, especially when it comes to standing strong against the forces of nature. An ounce of prevention can be worth a pound of cure! The Importance of Gutters and Soffits: Gutters direct water away to avoid any damage. Soffits, on the other hand, are tucked under the eaves and help in ventilating the attic, keeping our home fresh and mold-free. Choosing Gutters in High Wind Areas: Seamless : Seamless gutters are one continuous piece, reducing the chance of breaks and leaks, making them a solid choice for windy areas. Secure Installation: Properly secured gutters with sturdy brackets or hangers can withstand higher winds compared to loosely attached ones. Regular Maintenance: Keeping gutters clean and well-maintained ensures that high winds won’t turn accumulated debris into projectiles or cause water to back up increasing water intrusion

Vacation Home (Investing)

Florida’s Climate Florida is a one-of-a-kind place to live. It is simply beautiful and others want to share in that beauty too, if only for a short while. Investing in the Vacation Home Market comes with some unique inspection challenges. As you consider your investment, you will need to ensure a few key things to make sure your investment is safe, sound, and profitable as well as enjoyable for those who will be staying in your Vacation Rental.  In this email we will highlight a few things you need to try to get looked at before you buy. Items To Consider For An Investment Property Climate Impact: Florida’s subtropical climate means properties are subject to high humidity, intense sunlight, and occasional hurricanes. Look for moisture-related issues like mold, roof and window integrity to withstand heavy rains, and overall structural soundness. Termites & Palmetto Bugs : Start the slate clean and make sure you have a good inspection prior to your purchase to ensure you do not have

Home Maintenance (For The Second Week Of December)

  Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Check outdoor lighting fixtures. Make sure they are functioning correctly and replace any burnt-out-bulbs. If you have a fireplace, ensure the chimney is clean and free of obstructions. Check for leaks in faucets, pipes, and hoses, and fix any issues promptly. Review home security measures, including door locks, window locks, and alarm systems. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone! Closer Look Inspections Team

Inspection Findings: Homes That Have Not Been Properly Sealed

Properly sealing your home is vital to trying to keep costs down these days. Below are some items that  affect homes that have not been properly sealed. Not having a well sealed home can lead to problems, especially around doors and windows, which can allowing drafts and wind driven rain from storms to enter unseen into the walls and interior of the home leading to potential health concerns for you and your family. Possible Affects To A Home Energy Inefficiency : Drafts can lead to heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer, making your HVAC system work harder and increasing energy bills. Increased Energy Costs : The escaping conditioned air and infiltration of outdoor air can result in higher energy bills as your heating and cooling systems have to work more to maintain the desired temperature. Moisture Infiltration : Drafts can allow moisture to enter your home, leading to potential moisture-related problems such as mold growth, wood rot, and structural damage. Reduc

Why Seal Drafts: Because It Matters

As the weather starts to cool off a bit, now is the perfect time to prepare your home for a comfortable and energy-efficient winter season. Even in our beautiful Sunshine State, occasionally we can see chilly weather can make its way indoors through drafts and gaps in your home. Addressing this now can help ensure your home is as energy-efficient as possible throughout the winter. Why Sealing Drafts Matters Sealing drafts in your home can offer several benefits: Lower Energy Bills :  By preventing warm air from escaping and cold air from getting into your home, you can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs. Increased Comfort : D rafts can make your living spaces feel chilly and uncomfortable. Sealing them ensures a consistent and pleasant indoor temperature. Environmental Impact :  Reducing energy consumption is not only good for your wallet but is also good for the environment. Moisture Control :  Sealing drafts can also help in preventing moisture infiltration, which ca

Home Maintenance (For The First Week Of December)

Your comfort! Your home working at its best! Your money in your pocket! Your Ounce Of Prevention: Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors and replace batteries to ensure functionality, especially since homes tend to be closed up more this time of year. Ensure that garden hoses are detached and that sprinkler systems are adequately winterized. (Yes...we do have some freezing that actually happens here.) Pests like warm and cozy places too! Seal any openings in the house to prevent rodents and insects from entering. Schedule a pest inspection to ensure no infestations have developed. Especially if you haven't done this for a while. Get your fireplace professionally cleaned and inspected to prevent fires. Store firewood away from the house in a dry location. Inspect those holiday lights for frayed cords or damaged sockets before hanging them up. Ensure outdoor decorations are secured to withstand winds and don't pose tripping hazards. Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week e

Aging In Place: The Importance of Routine Inspections

Aging in place is a desirable option for many older adults who prefer to live in their own homes during their twilight years. It offers the comfort of familiar surroundings and the independence that institutional living may not provide. However, to ensure a safe and conducive environment, it is crucial to carry out regular home inspections. Here, we will explore the benefits of performing routine inspections for those who choose to age in place. 1. Enhanced Safety Routine inspections help identify potential hazards like loose floorboards, clutter, and poor lighting, preventing accidents such as falls, which are a leading cause of injuries among older adults. Inspections can also detect malfunctioning smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, which can help ensure immediate response in case of emergencies. 2. Improved Accessibility Through inspections, homeowners can identify areas that need modifications, such as adding ramps, grab bars, or wider doorways, to accommodate mobility aids like