Findings: Homes in Florida Without Updated Wind Mitigation Features

Homes in Florida without updated Wind Mitigation features can face several problems, especially considering the state's vulnerability to hurricanes and strong wind events. Some of the common issues in these homes include:

  1. Roof Damage: Older roofs or those not designed to withstand high winds can suffer significant damage during a storm. This can range from lost shingles or tiles to more severe structural damage.

  2. Water Intrusion: Without proper wind mitigation features, such as secondary water resistance barriers, homes may lose their shingles or tiles during a storm allowing water to enter the home from the roof during heavy rains accompanied by strong winds. This can lead to interior water damage, mold, and mildew problems.

  3. Window and Door Damage: Non-impact-resistant windows and doors are more likely to break or fail during high winds, allowing wind to blow water directly into the home, potentially causing extensive damage.

  4. Structural Integrity Issues:
    Homes without proper roof-to-wall attachments or with outdated construction methods may face challenges to their structural integrity during severe wind events. This could lead to the home’s roof being pulled off or partial or complete structural collapse in extreme cases.

  5. Increased Insurance Premiums: Without wind mitigation features, homeowners in Florida may face higher insurance premiums. Insurance companies often provide discounts for homes with wind mitigation measures as these efforts may reduce the risk of damage which will reduce the possibility of large claims for insurance companies to have to pay out.

  6. Decreased Market Value: Homes lacking modern wind mitigation upgrades may be valued lower in the real estate market, as buyers are often aware of the risks associated with such properties in a hurricane-prone area.

  7. Garage Door Vulnerability: Older or non-reinforced garage doors can be a weak point in a home's defense against wind. If the garage door fails, it can allow wind to enter and potentially cause a build-up of pressure that leads to roof and wall failures.

  8. Power Loss and Safety Hazards: Damage to the home can disrupt electrical systems, leading to power loss and posing potential safety hazards like electrical fires or electrocution risks.

Regular inspections and updates to wind mitigation features are crucial for homeowners in Florida to minimize these risks, protect their property, and ensure the safety of the occupants.

We’re Here To Help

Feel free to call us if you have questions at 407-319-4608. You may also schedule your inspection or find additional information on our website.

*Image from Shutterstock