Home Maintenance (Fifth Week of January)


Your comfort!

Your home working at its best!

Your money in your pocket!

Your Ounce Of Prevention:

  1. Replace the filter on your HVAC System. Have a professional HVAC contractor inspect and maintain your system as recommended by the manufacturer to make sure it is ready for the upcoming summer.

  2. Begin prepping your lawn and garden areas for spring planting and growth.

  3. Take a look at your roof for any damage from winter storms, and make sure your gutters are clean and in good condition to handle the upcoming spring rains.

  4. We have high humidity here. Look around your home for mold and mildew growth in areas like bathrooms, kitchen, and basements. 

  5. Take a look around the exterior of your home for any damage or repairs that are needed. Pay particular attention to siding, paint, and sealants especially around windows and doors.

Have a fantastic and safe rest of your week everyone!

Closer Look Inspections Team

*Image from Shutterstock