Unknown Underground Storage Tanks: Real World Stories And How They May Apply To You

As an inspection company, we have encountered numerous situations where unawareness of an Underground Storage Tank (UST) on a property led to various complications. We have included a few stories below from our experience to illustrate the potential risks:

Surprise Discovery During Renovation

One of our clients, a family, purchased an older home with plans to renovate. During the excavation for an extension, they discovered an old, rusted UST. It turned out that the tank had been leaking for years, causing significant soil contamination. The family faced unexpected costs for environmental cleanup and tank removal, delaying their renovation project by several months and greatly exceeding their budget.

Real Estate Deal Gone Awry

In another instance, a couple was in the process of selling their home when our routine inspection requested by the buyers revealed an abandoned UST buried in the yard. The buyers became concerned about potential contamination and demanded a reduction in the sale price to cover the costs of inspection and removal of the tank. The sellers, unaware of the tank’s existence, had to agree to a significant price reduction to save the deal.

Environmental Nightmare

We were called to assess a property where the homeowner noticed an oil smell in their backyard. Our inspection uncovered an old UST that had been leaking for an unknown period. The leak had contaminated not only their property but also the neighboring ground, leading to a complex, multi-party cleanup operation. The homeowner faced not only the high costs of soil remediation but also legal challenges from affected neighbors.

Insurance Hassle

A client discovered an old UST on their property after experiencing difficulty in obtaining homeowners insurance. The insurance companies they approached were reluctant to provide coverage due to the high risks associated with old, potentially leaking USTs. The homeowner had to bear the cost of the tank’s removal and soil testing before they could secure insurance coverage.

Bottom Line

As an inspection company, we strongly advise potential homeowners to conduct due diligence, including specialized inspections for USTs, to avoid such unforeseen complications. Remember, the cost of a thorough inspection is minimal compared to the potential risks and liabilities of an undetected UST.

We Are Here To Help

Feel free to call us if you have questions at 407-319-4608. You may also schedule your inspection or find additional information on our website.

*Image from InterNACHI