Understanding Pool Inspections: A Guide For What To Expect

We recognize that a swimming pool is a valuable addition to any property, providing enjoyment and relaxation. However, owning a pool also comes with responsibilities, particularly in terms of maintenance and safety. A pool inspection is essential for ensuring the pool is in optimal condition and meets all safety standards. In this article, we'll explore what a pool inspection entails and why it is a crucial aspect of property ownership.

What is a Pool Inspection?

A pool inspection is a thorough examination of all aspects of your swimming pool, including its structural integrity, equipment functionality, and safety features. Conducted by experienced inspectors, this assessment identifies any existing or potential issues that could affect the pool's performance, safety, or longevity.

What We Are Finding:
  • Pools are not being regularly maintained or updated

  • Older pools no longer meet current standards

  • Settlement of the concrete has caused cracks and broken pipes

  • Chemicals used in maintenance of pools causes wear on equipment

  • Pool equipment is old and worn out or in need of replacement

  • Pool and pipe leaks are causing washout and undermining the 

     pools integrity

What Does a Pool Inspection Cover?

A comprehensive pool inspection includes several critical components to ensure a detailed evaluation:

  1. Structural Integrity

    • Pool Surface: Inspecting for cracks, chips, and other forms of deterioration in the pool's surface, whether it is plaster, tile, or vinyl.

    • Pool Deck: Checking for cracks, shifting, or damage in the pool deck that could pose safety hazards or indicate underlying issues.

  2. Mechanical and Electrical Systems

    • Pumps and Motors: Assessing the condition and operation of the pool's pumps and motors, ensuring they are functioning efficiently.

    • Filters: Verifying that the pool's filtration system is clean and operating correctly, which is essential for maintaining water quality.

    • Heaters: Inspecting the pool heater (if present), whether it is gas, electric, or solar, to ensure it is working properly.

    • Timers and Control Systems: Checking the operation of timers and automated control systems that manage the pool's functions.

  3. Safety Features

    • Fencing and Barriers: Ensuring that the pool is enclosed by appropriate fencing and barriers to prevent unauthorized access, particularly by children.

    • Ladders and Handrails: Inspecting the stability and condition of ladders and handrails for safe pool entry and exit.

    • Safety Covers: Evaluating the presence and condition of safety covers, which are crucial for preventing accidents when the pool is not in use.

  4. Water Circulation

    • Circulation System: Examining the pool's circulation system, including skimmers, returns, and jets, to ensure effective water movement and filtration.

  5. Electrical Components

    • Lighting: Checking the condition and functionality of pool lighting, both underwater and around the pool area.

    • GFCI Protection: Ensuring that all electrical components are protected by Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs), which are vital for preventing electrical hazards.

  6. Additional Features

    • Spas and Hot Tubs: If applicable, inspecting the condition and operation of any attached spas or hot tubs.

    • Water Features: Evaluating the functionality of water features such as fountains, waterfalls, and slides to ensure they are working correctly.

Why is a Pool Inspection Important?

A pool inspection is essential for several key reasons:

  • Safety: Identifying and addressing safety hazards can prevent accidents, ensuring a secure environment for swimmers.

  • Maintenance: Regular inspections help catch early signs of wear and tear, allowing for timely repairs and extending the pool's lifespan.

  • Compliance: Ensuring the pool meets local safety codes and regulations helps avoid potential legal issues and fines.

  • Investment Protection: For prospective buyers, a pool inspection provides a clear understanding of the pool's condition, aiding in making informed purchasing decisions and negotiating repairs or adjustments.

Getting ahead of issues

  • Have your pool regularly examined by a professional at least every 2 years allowing you to get ahead of smaller issues before they become larger ones. 

  • New updates and repairs can reduce the monthly costs associated with a pools upkeep

  • When buying a home, use your professionals findings to help negotiate with the seller for possible repairs before you move in.

  • Make an informed decision about the purchase of this home and if the benefits outweigh the expenses of updating or repairing.

Bottom Line

Pools are expensive to purchase (costing upwards of $65-75 thousand) and can be expensive to repair. If you suspect that your pool is costing more monthly than it should, call and get your pool examined and a Leak Location Assessment completed. This will help you protect your investment and give your Pool Service Company the exact locations where repairs are needed. A small price for peace of mind and more time enjoying FUN with your family and friends.

We’re Here To Help

Feel free to call us if you have questions at 407-319-4608. You may also schedule your inspection or find additional information on our website.

*Image from Shutterstock